Is a computer or software engineer the one who does e-marketing?
E-marketing harnesses computer science and programming, not the other way around! So choose a skilled marketing manager who can work with a software engineer to achieve your goals. Marketing through the Internet is the new state of marketing; this does not mean that the marketing changed! Rather, the tools have changed or evolved. Considering digital or electronic marketing as an electronic profession carried out by a programmer or computer engineer is a common thing for some people, especially in the Middle East and developing countries. E-marketing is a task undertaken by the marketing manager who has taken the science of marketing knowledge and experience, but the marketing manager must be familiar with all electronic digital marketing tools, in other words, he must be educated, capable, and experienced in dealing with digital tools and platforms. Sometimes e-marketing is mentioned as a way to increase followers or fans, and all the real benefits and tasks related to e-marketing such as selling, branding, reach and smart advertising are ignored. Dealing with advertising through search engines such as Google, for example, requires actual marketing experience in the way to formulate content and appearance, then the process is completed by knowing digital tools and understanding platform software, here lies the merging of marketing science with software science, but this matter must be defined accurately , the programmer's task is over when the tools are made available to the marketing manager and the requirements of marketing science are implemented, and it continues through software development on tools and algorithms.
It’s like the relationship between the architect and the civil engineer; they both complement each other when building a house or any other structure. The planner lays out and directs the work in a particular form, most often the architect will be in his office while the civil engineer will be in the field working with the workers.
The previous example is roughly similar to what happens between the programmer and the marketing manager, where the marketing manager will develop the plan and ideas without deeply interfering with how the idea works programmatically, but he knows the necessary method of use and the required final form. The complex overlap between the two professions doesn’t mean it’s not clear! Here, for example, is how the website appears in the search results, or what is known as SEO. Is it possible for the programmer to put the keywords and content of the site? The programmer or software engineer has studied at least four years of learning software based on algorithms and mathematics, all in order to create a box for the e- marketing manager to write the content inside this box. The software engineer and developer cannot be dispensed with for creating web pages, on the other hand, it is indispensable for the marketing manager who will set the plan and strategy that the programmer must work on to create web pages.